Family History

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Family History

Family History blogsite:

So here it is, the inception of my first family history blogsite.  Its purpose is two-fold.  I want to be able to bring all my genealogy fellow researchers to one spot, those researching common ancestral lines. I'll create sub-blogs for this purpose as needed.

I'd like this to also be an extension of the family history class I teach on Sunday in my home ward, Rosecrest 4th in the Herriman Rosecrest Stake, Herriman, Utah.  The reason for the latter are many:

A:  I can teach better visually (the internet)  than in a 40 minute lecture format. I tend to get stage fright as well in a classroom setting..

B:  I can easily, and with greater presence of mind, organize and post the latest links and newsletters from the exciting and evolutionary world of digital genealogy.

C:  It is difficult to connect to the internet at my church building unless I kick someone out of a classroom next to the room that houses the router. And even when I do, I can only connect my laptop, not those of other class members.

D:  The "Blog" is the wave of the present...who knows what future form waves may take, but this is it for now. In this format one can reach and teach more people in a casual and friendly, even entertaining environment.

So here's to my new experiment.  Thanks and here's to happy hunting.